Make a Payment

Need to pay for your child's or adult's services? Specific payments may be made depending on your child's program. Choose the payment method below that is applicable to your family.

  • Pay Online

    Payments may be made online through the FACTS Parent Portal for the following services:

    • ACCESS Early Childhood
    • ACCESS Academy
    • ACCESS Life
    • Academic Therapy
  • Pay In Person

    Payments may be made in person at the front desk of either campus, by mail, or by phone for the following services:

    • Evaluations
    • Mental Health Services
    • Speech Therapy
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Physical Therapy
    • Other Services or Fees

    To pay by mail, please send your check made out to ACCESS along with your invoice or explanation of payment to:

    ACCESS Group, Inc.
    10618 Breckenridge Drive
    Little Rock, AR 72211

    To pay by phone, contact us at 501.217.8600.